تعد الثدي الممتلئ والمتناسب مع حجم الجسم أحد أهم جوانب الأنوثة، وغالبًا ما تواجه العديد من السيدات تحديات مثل صغر حجم الثدي أو ما يُعرف بانكماش الثدي، خاصة بعد فترة الرضاعة الطبيعية.
في هذة المقالة سنقدم لك معلومات حول حقن الدهون الذاتية في الثدي وفوائدها، بالإضافة إلى شرح كيفية إجراء هذه الإجراءات بالتفصيل، وذلك بالتعاون مع الدكتور ليث النبراوي، استشاري جراحة التجميل وتنسيق القوام. سنقوم أيضًا بمشاركة تجارب حقيقية لبعض العملاء الذين خضعوا لهذا الإجراء، لتتمكن من الاطلاع على تجاربهم والشعور بالثقة عند اتخاذ قرارك بالاستفادة منه.
حقن الدهون الذاتية للصدر :
Breast self-fat injection is a process in which a plastic surgeon removes fat from a specific area of the body that suffers from unwanted fat accumulation, such as the abdomen or thighs, and then uses this fat to increase the size of the breast and give it a more attractive and beautiful appearance.
After hearing several opinions about my experience with breast self-fat injection for many clients of Da Vinci Clinics with Dr. Laith Al-Nabrawy, after a period of the operation, we made sure that this technique is the best in breast augmentation, as it helps achieve excellent and satisfactory results for clients that last for many years.
Learn also about: Autologous fat injection for the buttocks
المرشحين لحقن الدهون الذاتية للصدر :
قبل أن تستفيدي من تجربتي مع حقن الدهون الذاتية للصدر، يجب عليك التحقق أولاً من مطابقة شروط الإجراء لحالتك. من بين هذه الشروط الأساسية:
- عدم الرغبة في زيادة كبيرة في حجم الثدي، حيث أن هذه التقنية لا تمكن من تحقيق ذلك.
- الاستمتاع بصحة جيدة وعدم وجود أمراض مزمنة.
- عدم وجود مشاكل نفسية تمنع قبولك لشكل جسمك الحالي.
- توفر كمية مناسبة من الدهون لاستخدامها في الحقن.
- يجب عليك التحقق من تطابق هذه الشروط مع وضعك الصحي والجسدي لضمان تحقيق النتائج المرجوة بنجاح.
What are the main stages of the process?
Before starting to present my experience with breast self-fat injection, let us give you a brief overview of the steps of this process so that you can expect results with us. Breast augmentation with self-fat takes place through 3 main stages, namely:
المرحلة الأولي :
The doctor examines the patient and identifies the areas from which excess fat is extracted. In this step, we are also interested in determining the size of the breast to be reached, which is suitable for the size of the body. To enjoy a consistent body appearance after the operation.
Also, the various breast tissues are carefully examined, and the doctor may request several examinations before the operation to ensure that there is no medical objection to the procedure. This stage has a major role in achieving the required results with the least possible exposure to complications.
المرحلة الثانية :
The process begins with preparing the patient and drawing some guidelines that help us be more accurate in the procedure. After that, the fat is suctioned after it is melted using the latest devices such as Vaser, then the fat is purified and prepared to be injected again into the breast area.
المرحلة الثالثة :
At this stage, the purified fat is injected into the chest through a small surgical incision, then making sure that the size of the new breast is what is required and appropriate to the size of the body.
All these steps are done easily if a distinguished plastic surgeon is relied upon and has high experience in breast augmentation operations. The procedure may take from one to two hours, and the recovery period is only about 5 to 7 days.
Learn also about: Laser breast lift
هل تكبير الثدي بالدهون الذاتية مناسب لجميع الحالات؟
- Here is the most important question, hearing about my experience with autologous breast fat injection for many clients is a great thing that may help you decide on the required procedure, but this procedure may not be the right one for you because your case is not like that of other clients.
- Breast augmentation with own fat is not suitable for all cases, but only for cases that want a small increase to reach a consistent size, because it is not preferable to inject large amounts of fat in one place because of the damage and unsatisfactory consequences it causes.
- In cases that suffer greatly from shrinkage or want to achieve a fuller breast size, it may be best for them to follow the silicone breast augmentation procedure to achieve the desired results.
النتائج التي يمكن توقعها بعد العملية :
Breast augmentation operations are one of the operations whose results you can see immediately after leaving the operating room. These results may include some bruising and swelling that quickly disappear within a week to 10 days, with your commitment to the instructions of the attending physician.
فوائد حقن الدهون الذاتية في تكبير الثدي :
من خلال ما عرضته السيدات في “تجربتي مع حقن الدهون الذاتية بالصدر” نوضح لك أشهر مميزات هذه التقنية والتي تتمثل في:
- It gives the breasts a full and natural appearance, which increases women's self-confidence.
- The lack of side effects associated with the procedure, as the body accepts these fats easily because they are from the body’s origin.
- Completely safe and low risk process.
- Restore skin freshness and give it a more youthful appearance.
وبهذا نكون انتهينا من سرد أهم المعلومات حول عملية تكبير الثدي بالدهون الذاتية، ليأتي دور الفقرة المطلوبة ألا وهي تجربتي مع حقن الدهون الذاتية للصدر لأحد العملاء
In the end, breast self-fat injection is a safe and effective procedure to improve the shape and size of the breast, but it is not the appropriate procedure for all cases, so do not hesitate to contact us and undergo an examination so that we can help you in the appropriate way for you, contact us now.
How long does breast fat injection process take?
Breast self-fat injection is not considered harmful, but rather it is a completely safe technique because the doctor takes this fat from the patient herself from a certain area and injects it into the breast area.
تعد الثدي الممتلئ والمتناسب مع حجم الجسم أحد أهم جوانب الأنوثة، وغالبًا ما تواجه العديد من السيدات تحديات مثل صغر حجم الثدي أو ما يُعرف بانكماش الثدي، خاصة بعد فترة الرضاعة الطبيعية.
في هذة المقالة سنقدم لك معلومات حول حقن الدهون الذاتية في الثدي وفوائدها، بالإضافة إلى شرح كيفية إجراء هذه الإجراءات بالتفصيل، وذلك بالتعاون مع الدكتور ليث النبراوي، استشاري جراحة التجميل وتنسيق القوام. سنقوم أيضًا بمشاركة تجارب حقيقية لبعض العملاء الذين خضعوا لهذا الإجراء، لتتمكن من الاطلاع على تجاربهم والشعور بالثقة عند اتخاذ قرارك بالاستفادة منه.
Breast autologous fat injection
Breast self-fat injection is a process in which a plastic surgeon removes fat from a specific area of the body that suffers from unwanted fat accumulation, such as the abdomen or thighs, and then uses this fat to increase the size of the breast and give it a more attractive and beautiful appearance.
After hearing several opinions about my experience with breast self-fat injection for many clients of Da Vinci Clinics with Dr. Laith Al-Nabrawy, after a period of the operation, we made sure that this technique is the best in breast augmentation, as it helps achieve excellent and satisfactory results for clients that last for many years.
Learn also about: Autologous fat injection for the buttocks
المرشحين لحقن الدهون الذاتية للصدر :
لا تنجذب إلى النتائج التي تسمعها من تجربتي مع حقن الدهون الذاتية للصدر وتاكد أولًا من أن شروط هذه العملية تنطبق عليك، ومن أهم هذه الشروط :
- The main condition is that you do not want a significant increase in breast size, as this technique cannot achieve this.
- Enjoying good health and not suffering from any chronic diseases.
- Do not suffer from any psychological problems that make you not accept your appearance in any case.
- That you have the amount of fat required for injection.
We must make sure that these conditions match with you so that we can help you achieve the required results.
What are the main stages of the process?
Before starting to present my experience with breast self-fat injection, let us give you a brief overview of the steps of this process so that you can expect results with us. Breast augmentation with self-fat takes place through 3 main stages, namely:
المرحلة الأولي :
The doctor examines the patient and identifies the areas from which excess fat is extracted. In this step, we are also interested in determining the size of the breast to be reached, which is suitable for the size of the body. To enjoy a consistent body appearance after the operation.
Also, the various breast tissues are carefully examined, and the doctor may request several examinations before the operation to ensure that there is no medical objection to the procedure. This stage has a major role in achieving the required results with the least possible exposure to complications.
المرحلة الثانية :
The process begins with preparing the patient and drawing some guidelines that help us be more accurate in the procedure. After that, the fat is suctioned after it is melted using the latest devices such as Vaser, then the fat is purified and prepared to be injected again into the breast area.
المرحلة الثالثة :
At this stage, the purified fat is injected into the chest through a small surgical incision, then making sure that the size of the new breast is what is required and appropriate to the size of the body.
All these steps are done easily if a distinguished plastic surgeon is relied upon and has high experience in breast augmentation operations. The procedure may take from one to two hours, and the recovery period is only about 5 to 7 days.
Learn also about: Laser breast lift
Is breast augmentation with self-fat suitable for all cases?
Here is the most important question, hearing about my experience with autologous breast fat injection for many clients is a great thing that may help you decide on the required procedure, but this procedure may not be the right one for you because your case is not like that of other clients.
Breast augmentation with own fat is not suitable for all cases, but only for cases that want a small increase to reach a consistent size, because it is not preferable to inject large amounts of fat in one place because of the damage and unsatisfactory consequences it causes.
In cases that suffer greatly from shrinkage or want to achieve a fuller breast size, it may be best for them to follow the silicone breast augmentation procedure to achieve the desired results.
النتائج التي يمكن توقعها بعد العملية :
Breast augmentation operations are one of the operations whose results you can see immediately after leaving the operating room. These results may include some bruising and swelling that quickly disappear within a week to 10 days, with your commitment to the instructions of the attending physician.
مميزات عملية حقن الدهون الذاتية بالصدر :
Through what the women presented in “My Experience with Breast Self-Fat Injection,” we explain to you the most famous advantages of this technique, which are:
- It gives the breasts a full and natural appearance, which increases women's self-confidence.
- The lack of side effects associated with the procedure, as the body accepts these fats easily because they are from the body’s origin.
- Completely safe and low risk process.
- Restore skin freshness and give it a more youthful appearance.
- The results of the process last for many years.
With this, we have finished listing the most important information about the breast augmentation process with self-fat, so that the required paragraph comes, which is my experience with breast self-fat injection for a customer - continue to the next paragraph.
في النهاية، تعد حقن الدهون الذاتية للصدر إجراءًا آمنًا وفعالًا لتحسين شكل وحجم الصدر، ولكن لا يكون هو الإجراء المناسب لكل الحالات لذلك لا تتردد في التواصل معنا والخضوع للفحص لنتمكن من مساعدتك بالطريقة المناسبة لك تواصل معنا الان .